Thursday, May 24, 2012

Well, last Sunday was the last day of the campaign. I scored a minor victory against the beastmen army, it was a close game, and lots of fun.
Afte the game was over, I got together with the other players, and we put together a scenario for an apocalypse style fantasy event. It should be a ton of fun, I may post up a copy of the scenario, or a link to it later if I can edit it to the way I like.
Other than that, I haven't been doing much at all. I ordered the Empire army book, but I don't think I will have any money to put towards an army for quite a while. I also like to read and write fluff, or background stories for armies and such, so I've been doing a little of that.
And it's raining, and wet, so I'm not terribly motivated at the moment, just very sleepy. I also ignore grammar, and any form of correct writing in this weather.... jhbiufhoihgr[ijqaij

Saturday, May 19, 2012

So here are some 40k bases that I've been working on recently. The one with the submerged rhino hatch has been sitting around for ages, un-textured, and un-painted.

Oh no!!! I'm so, so sad. Someone else on the internet has also come up with the same idea I had for the Demigryph Knights conversion! Now it's not so cool or original an idea; if only I had the cash to make it happen when I came up with it. I suppose I will still do it though, becaus it is very cool.

Friday, May 11, 2012

I finally got a video recorded, and edited to where it will fit in YouTube's 10min time restriction.  It was a pain, but hopefully it is helpful to beginners, or anyone in general. Here is the link,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Right now I'm working on the first video for my YouTube account, also under the name " The Rusy Iron Priest". It's on basing, an odd place to start I suppose, but as good as any. I'ts not really going to be a tutorial, but kind of my progression from when I first began, to now. I'm not sure whether I will upload it first, or if I will make another one and upload it first....

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Beaten, thrashed, whipped once again! I suffered another massacre today, at the hands of a freind who plays dwarves. I would say I made some poor unit choices with the list, and with what actions I had them take.

I can't wait to startmy Empire army, but alas "real life" gets in the way. I have some awesome plans for "Demigryph Knight" conversions, that I have been talking with  my friend about since last weekend. First I will start with the army book, and a Battalion box set, which can form 606-710 points. From there, I will probably buy a second box, and fill out with other units.

Friday, May 4, 2012

So, thought I might as well show what I'm doing with my movement trays. They are just made out of cardboard, but I have a can or two of "hammered metal" effect spray paint lying around, which certainly makes them look better than plain cardboard. So far I only have two trays, cut to fit seven ranks, four files deep of minis on 25mm square bases. I plan to build some more, hopefully for most of the army.